Maze Problem wu-kan


  • Please solve the maze problem (i.e., find the shortest path from the start point to the finish point) by using BFS or DFS (Python or C++)
  • The maze layout can be modeled as an array, and you can use the data file MazeData.txt if necessary.


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#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
	ifstream fin("MazeData.txt");
	typedef pair<int, int> Coord;
	const int NPOS = -1;
#define X first
#define Y second
	vector<string> map;
	vector<vector<Coord>> pre;
	Coord st, ed;
	for (string s; getline(fin, s) && !s.empty();)
		pre.push_back(vector<Coord>(s.size(), {NPOS, NPOS}));
		for (int i = map.size() - 1, j = 0; j < map[i].size(); ++j)
			if (map[i][j] == 'S')
				st = {i, j};
			if (map[i][j] == 'E')
				ed = {i, j};
	for (deque<Coord> q(1, st); !q.empty() && pre[ed.X][ed.Y].X == NPOS; q.pop_front())
		for (Coord nex : vector<Coord>{
				 {q.front().X + 1, q.front().Y},
				 {q.front().X - 1, q.front().Y},
				 {q.front().X, q.front().Y + 1},
				 {q.front().X, q.front().Y - 1},
			if (0 <= nex.X && nex.X < map.size())
				if (0 <= nex.Y && nex.Y < map[nex.X].size())
					if (map[nex.X][nex.Y] == ' ' || map[nex.X][nex.Y] == 'E')
						if (pre[nex.X][nex.Y].X == NPOS)
							pre[nex.X][nex.Y] = q.front();
	if (pre[ed.X][ed.Y].X == NPOS)
		return cout << "No Solution.", 0;
	for (ed = pre[ed.X][ed.Y]; pre[ed.X][ed.Y].X != NPOS; ed = pre[ed.X][ed.Y])
		map[ed.X][ed.Y] = 'X';
	for (const auto &s : map)
		cout << s << '\n';


g++ maze.cpp -o maze.out
$ ./maze.out
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